For those of us lucky enough to live here, we know why our community is so beloved and a top destination for visitors. Each year we welcome people from all over the world who come for a visit. Some decide to make Midcoast Maine their home after learning all this area has to offer. After all, the Damariscotta Region is a wonderful place to work, live, raise a family, relax, and enjoy the captivating nature all around us.
But for everyone who comes to town for a day, a week, or longer, there is no visible, accessible place for them to get the information they need quickly. This will change with the restored Damariscotta Region Chamber and Information Bureau offering up-to-date and user-friendly assistance at the perfect location of Main and Vine streets in Damariscotta.
This new gathering spot will restore Damariscotta Region history by bringing this building back to life and service. With your help, it will become a hub for our region’s tourism, community, business and employment success.
The Damariscotta Region Chamber of Commerce and Information Bureau have served our community for a combined 173 years. We are now united in our goals and plan for the future:
- We need a one-stop location providing visitors a way to quickly find everything they need at the touch of a finger for eating, staying and playing in our beautiful region (with friendly staffers and volunteers too).
- Because we want visitors and community members to appreciate the history of our area, a history wall is included in the interior design. The wall will share centuries worth of rich stories about this region and the people who have lived here.
- We envision a center to find work opportunities, as well as internships for our young people to keep them part of our thriving community. This is sorely needed in our competitive labor market, and is a step to curb the export of our youth.
Ways to Get Involved
We have made a good start toward our overall $400,000 goal. We have $145,000k in cash donations and pledges, and even more in-kind donations from local businesses donating products and/or services. We are so grateful for this supportive community and have other ways businesses and individuals can be involved:
Campaign Pledges
Businesses and community members can pledge a one-time donation, or donate several times over a designated period. We have partnered with Twin Villages Alliances as a fiscal agent to accept your tax deductible donations. We will proudly display the names of donors in all marketing and PR efforts for the duration of the campaign, or list you anonymously if you choose. For more information Download the Campaign Pledge Card.
Building Bricks
Join us to leave your mark! Your engraved brick will help build the pathway to continued growth of commerce and information leadership for your region. Bricks can contain two (2) lines of text with a maximum number of 16 characters per line. Lines that contain more than 16 characters may be smaller in order to accommodate the extra space. A space between words is considered a character and standard symbols are available. Download the Brick Order Form.